BZRK (BZRK #1) by Michael Grant
Rating: 4 out of 5 hearts
407 pages
Released: February 2012
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"Set in the near future, BZRK
is the story of a war for control of the human mind. Charles and
Benjamin Armstrong, conjoined twins and owners of the Armstrong Fancy
Gifts Corporation, have a goal: to turn the world into their vision of
utopia. No wars, no conflict, no hunger. And no free will. Opposing
them is a guerrilla group of teens, code name BZRK, who are fighting to
protect the right to be messed up, to be human. This is no ordinary
war, though. Weapons are deployed on the nano-level. The battleground
is the human brain. And there are no stalemates here: It’s victory . .
. or madness.
BZRK unfolds with hurricane force around core themes of conspiracy and mystery, insanity and changing realities, engagement and empowerment, and the larger impact of personal choice. Which side would you choose? How far would you go to win? "
I had no idea what to expect from this book and I was thrown into it with a bang and a plane crash! The book is told from multiple points of view. Sadie, the tough rich girl who doesn't care that she's rich, Noah, the romantic, Bugman, the young badboy and Vincent the weird guy who can't experience any type of pleasure. Very different characters thrown together in this thrilling ride. Slightly dystopian and science fiction rolled into one, so for fans of both these genres should definitely put this book on their 'to-read' list.
Something I really liked about this book was the way Michael Grant described parts of the body in extreme close up, it was truly amazing. In one scene, he is describing what a biot (a microscopic biological robot) can see from it's point of view to find out it is sitting on a person's eyelash!
The villains or should I say villain in this story is truly evil and grotesque to boot. Enter the Armstrong twins Charles & Benjamin who are actually conjoined twins so I guess that kind of makes them one person. They share a leg so they have three legs but the middle one doesn't actually function properly and hangs there limp most of the time, EW! Their horrible looks aren't the only disgusting thing, it's also their mad vision for the human race...
I didn't really like how this ended though. Sometimes with Audiobooks I can, without knowing, drift off. I don't know if that's what I did at the end of this book. That seems bad because then that may mean the end was boring if I drifted off. It's been about 2 weeks since I finished it and I can't seem to bring back to memory what happened in the end! I guess that may be a good thing because there's no cliff hanger for me to pine over.
Something I really liked about this book was the way Michael Grant described parts of the body in extreme close up, it was truly amazing. In one scene, he is describing what a biot (a microscopic biological robot) can see from it's point of view to find out it is sitting on a person's eyelash!
The villains or should I say villain in this story is truly evil and grotesque to boot. Enter the Armstrong twins Charles & Benjamin who are actually conjoined twins so I guess that kind of makes them one person. They share a leg so they have three legs but the middle one doesn't actually function properly and hangs there limp most of the time, EW! Their horrible looks aren't the only disgusting thing, it's also their mad vision for the human race...
I didn't really like how this ended though. Sometimes with Audiobooks I can, without knowing, drift off. I don't know if that's what I did at the end of this book. That seems bad because then that may mean the end was boring if I drifted off. It's been about 2 weeks since I finished it and I can't seem to bring back to memory what happened in the end! I guess that may be a good thing because there's no cliff hanger for me to pine over.
On the cover
I've seen this cover a few times before reading it and I didn't realise straight away that there's an robotic insect type thing inside the eye. That is a perfect depiction of what happens in the book. Little robotic insect like things crawl inside people's eyes which leads to their brains...
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